Nikaela Busekrus

Nikaela Busekrus's Fundraiser

 We can Educate, engage and empower families for the future image

We can Educate, engage and empower families for the future

Please join me in supporting Proyecto Juan Diego by donating today


$485 towards $1,000

I first encountered Proyecto Juan Diego three years ago when I visited the Daughters of Charity in Harlingen, TX. I was immediately struck by the strong sense of family between the employees at PJD and the community they served. This has continued to prove true on the other occasions I have visited PJD - as a summer volunteer in 2021 and in 2022 and 2023 participating in the Sisters on the Run fundraiser. PJD sees and serves the whole person, working to meet both their material and social needs through providing health and wellness programs for low-income families, providing a nurturing educational environment for children, adults and the elderly, and supporting and guiding people through the immigration process. Please join me in supporting PJD in their work by donating today!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo! Thank you for your support!